Wednesday, 23 October 2013

MIGs and TAG - CPD for all!

Mayfield Improvement Groups (M.I.Gs) are groups of staff who work as research partners to improve teaching and learning across the school. All staff at Mayfield belong to a M.I.G and link the work they complete to professional development targets and implement these techniques and ideas directly into the classroom.

The M.I.Gs are the main C.P.D push for 2013-14 at Mayfield. Each member of staff works within a group of 7-10. The groups are headed by a member of the Teaching and Guidance (T.A.G) Team who facilitate, guide and support the group. 

Each group has two main functions/objectives:
1)    To work on an area of Action Research by focusing on a key area of Teaching and Learning across the school and creating new ways to improve it and move forward. Staff were asked to opt into a group which will be focusing on an area of personal professional interest. The group are involved in a range of activities which include the creation of whole school resources, amendment of policies, working with student groups, researching current academic thought, filming of ideas and potentially taking part in learning walks in other schools. The group will impact whole school progression with Teaching and Learning and is linked to the S.I.P.

2)   To work together as a large group (or divide into smaller numbers) to support each other by;  providing opportunities for collaborative planning and thinking and learning; addressing current issues identified as part of our whole school development and providing opportunities to process new ideas, apply knowledge independently, discuss and reflect. This involves peer observations, mentoring and the sharing and recognition of good practice.

The focus over the Autumn term with be the first group objective – evaluating an area of Teaching and Learning and creating a way to develop it further. Each group will present their ideas during INSET in December. From Spring these ideas will be trialed and put into place across the school. The group will support this process and then begin to focus on the second objective. The summer term will allow for an evaluation of the action research projects as well as further work on the second objective.

This Blog allows all the work completed by the M.I.G.s to be shared across the school and Portsmouth area to encourage best practice. Please use the Tabs at the top of the page to read the latest work and share your comments.

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