Monday, 23 June 2014

Marvellous Monday - 23.6.13

I am going to be completing Class Charters with each of my classes at the beginning of this academic year.  The Class Charter consists of the rules, that the pupils have come up with themselves, about behaviour and conduct in the lesson.  They have real ownership of these rules.   I begin the lesson with the pupils, in the back of their books, writing in rough some ideas for class rules in silence.  Then they get into small groups to discuss their ideas.  Following on from this, they create a list of 2 or 3 rules that their group has decided are the most important.  Finally, we come back together as a class and join all the ideas together and write a class charter of their rules.  The pupils write these in the first page of their new books and sign it.
Any questions please ask - Miss Manning.

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